i tread delicately

I tread delicately
I tread delicately
Down the street
Cat-like, a lemur,
In a William Burroughs
Grasping air,
Not able to move
Grandiose, but a minnow…
Avoiding the snake pits.
Awake for three nights.
I finally slept.
Dreaming of a murderer
In an Old Folk’s Home
Or was it Butlins?
I don’t know
Yesterday in Broad Street
The bloke selling The Big Issue
Said, “Are you a Pop Star?”
Safe & sound now
In my magic room
I write this poem
Listening to Schoenberg.
My legs ache
It’s my mad
Marionette walk
Good Night.
Christopher Baily
31 October 2001
© Estate of Christopher Baily
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